Yes, yes, very typical of a tai tai to want branded bags! Yes & No! In my late 20s, I started thinking it's ridiculous to have such expensive bags and sold them all on deluxemall, one of the popular online websites for branded bags. After so many year even when I stopped selling the bags, I was upgraded to Premium Member/Dealer. Frankly I was quite surprised and that speak volumes about the website. Then again, it has repeatedly said they are not responsible for the authencity of the bags and I did spot some fakes on the website as well.
However, only recently, I have decided to invest in branded bags. Reason being, the cheap, fake leather bags I bought fall apart after a couple of years! Making branded bags are a good long term investment. I was finally convinced by my hubby that it's better to pay more for things that last than to get cheap stuff that fall apart.
Currently, I own 2 YSL clutches ( Black & Red), just simply love them! I don't carry many things when I go out so they are perfect for me. I also have a red YSL wallet and a black chanel WOC, which I still keep in a box cos it was so darn expensive, about $2k. Bought it at Chanel MBS.
My next bag is likely a Chanel, I keep changing my mind ever so often as I don't intend to buy too many branded bags. Chanel are classics and their prices keep increasing so their value is kept. The Tag Heuer watch which I bought > 10 years ago has now increased in price. Regretted selling off my Omega watch cos previously I thought indulging in branded stuff is silly & I already have a Tag Heuer. Wrong! The Omega watch is worth alot more now >.<
Anyway, I have been looking at vintage Chanel Bags over at ebay, Rakuten & Malleries. I saw this red Chanel quilted bag and melted! Hubby agrees it's a classic and cost about $2k only, comparing how ridiculously priced Chanel is nowadays! The seller is a very established seller in Japan. However, there is still this nagging thought that it may be fake, what if the vintage item comes with a smell, the actual item is not what it seems. Vintage Chanel in Japan are cheap-ish cos apparently, Japanese don't like second hand items and are very strict on fakes so it's relatively safer.
you bags looks branded goods from famous designer